Monday, 30 May 2016

Synchronization pheromone:Pheromone Resources

Synchronization pheromone:
At the time of egg hatching in the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii, pheromones are released from the eggs. These pheromones induce a stereotypic larval release behaviour in which the female vigorously pumps her abdomen. This action breaks open the unhatched eggs and results in the synchronizes release of larvae (Forward et al.,1987). In eifers, post-pubertal Holstein heifers with palpable corpora lutea were injected i.m. with 25 mg PGF-2α to bring all animals to the follicular phase of the oestrous cycle. After 3 oronasal treatments with secretions from oestrous cows or water, heifers were observed for oestrus and inseminated about 12 h after the onset of oestrus. In Exp. I, heifers were treated with water or a mixture of urine and cervical mucus from oestrous cows at 6, 30 and 56 h after the PGF-2α injection. The percentage of heifers in oestrus within 72 h after PGF-2α was 86% for urine + cervical mucus-treated heifers and 60% for water-treated heifers (P > 0·05). Days to oestrus and conception rate after A.I. did not differ between the treatments. The degree of synchrony of oestrus after PGF-2α was significantly greater (P < 0·05) in the animals receiving urine + mucus treatment (Izard  and Vandenbergh,1982) and also reported in stored product insects by Burkholder  and Michael Ma  (1985).  The timing of ovulation can be altered by olfactory signals from other females in the social environment. In the rat, olfactory communication results in the synchronization of estrous cycles within a female social group: the majority of females are likely to be at the same phase of their estrous cycles on the same day (McClintock, 1978; McClintock, 1981,1983). This may be a mechanism to coordinate fertility and infant care with an appropriate social and physical environment. A sex pheromone of the marine polychaete Platynereis dumerilii is chemically characterized as 5-methyl-3-heptanone. There exist two optical isomers, the S(+)-isomer produced by males and acting on females, the R(−)-isomer produced by females and acting on males. The basic structure shows a close relationship to insect pheromones and is of interest with regard to the evolution of pheromones (Zeeck, Erich et al.,1988). Fukaya et al.(2009) reported a synchronized mating.

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Burkholder, Wendell E., and Michael Ma.1985.Pheromones for monitoring and control of stored-product insects.Annual review of entomology., 30(1):257-272.
Forward, Richard B., Dan Rittschof, and Mona C. De Vries. 1987.Peptide pheromones synchronize crustacean egg hatching and larval release.Chemical Senses., 12(3):491-498.
Fukaya, Midori, Hiroe Yasui, Toshiharu Akino, Tetsuya Yasuda, Seiji Tanaka, Sadao Wakamura, Taeko Maeda et al.2009.Environmental and pheromonal control of precopulatory behavior for synchronized mating in the white grub beetle, Dasylepida ishigakiensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology., 44(2):223-229.
Izard, M. K., and J. G. Vandenbergh.1982.Priming pheromones from oestrous cows increase synchronization of oestrus in dairy heifers after PGF-2α injection. Journal of reproduction and fertility., 66(1):189-196.
McClintock, M. K. 1978. Estrous synchrony and its mediation by airborne chemical communication (Rattus norvegicus). Horm. Behay. 10: 264–276.
McClintock, M. K. 1981. Social control of the ovarian cycle and the function of estrous synchrony. Amer. Zool. 21: 243–256.
McClintock, Martha K.1983. Synchronizing ovarian and birth cycles by female pheromones." In Chemical signals in vertebrates 3:159-178.

Zeeck, Erich, Jörg Hardege, Helga BartelsHardege, and Günter Wesselmann.1988.Sex pheromone in a marine polychaete: determination of the chemical structure. Journal of Experimental Zoology., 246(3):285-292.

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