Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Traps for Diptera insects:Pheromoneresources




Dacus oleae (Gmel.) (Diptera, Tephritidae)

McPhail traps
attractivity of McPhail traps increased 30-40 times
 Crete, Greece.
Neuenschwander-P; Michelakis-S, 1979

Delia brassicae (Wied.)

 (Hylemya brassicae)

yellow water-trap
Wellesbourne, UK
Finch-S; Freuler-J; Stadler-E.1980

Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and G. pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae)

mechanical traps and an electric trap


anthocorids, syrphids, coccinellids, nabids, Cydia interstinctana (Clem.) (Grapholita interstinctana) tachinids,

sticky and water  traps
significantly more
Wilkinson-JD; Schmidt-GT; Biever-KD.1980.

Glossina pallidipes

Langridge box screen (LBS) and the awning screen skirt (ASS)
behavioural differences between the flies of the 2 populations
Etten-J-Van; Van-Etten-J.1981

walnut husk fly Rhagoletis completa

Pherocon AM traps
effieicnet than the traditional monitoring method
northern California.
Riedl-H; Hoying-SA.1980

tsetse species, Glossina pallidipes

biconical trap
biconical trap
is preferable
Challier-A; Laveissiere-C; Moloo-SK; Owaga-MLA.1981

Culex quinquefasciatus Say

EVS battery powered light traps
fan blade 0.75 in. wide, with a pitch angle of 30 deg , provides 82% greater air velocity than commercially available plastic blades
Rohe-DL; Quintana-AP; Grant-CD (ed.).1979

mosquito borne encephalitis surveillance

miniature battery powered CO2 baited light trap
highest efficiency
Rohe-DL; Fall-RP.1979

C. tarsalis Coq


C. erythrothorax Dyar

miniature mosquito light traps
EVS trap
significantly higher catch
Smith-TA; Bebout-RJ; Quintana-AP.1979

house flies

insect-electrocuting devices
90 W ultraviolet source performed markedly better than all the rest, with a total capture during 90 min of 1297 flies,

Clough-G. 1980

Dacus dorsalis Hend

D. cucurbitae Coq. and Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)
liquid food baits
dry climate

Cunningham-RT; Nakagawa-S; Suda-DY; Urago-T.1978.

cabbage root fly (Delia brassicae)

allyl isothiocyanate
allyl isothiocyanate and hexyl acetate markedly affected the behaviour of gravid flies

Wallbank-BE; Wheatley-GA.1979

tsetse flies Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw

 G. pallidipes Aust

incomplete ring of electrified nets

Vale-GA; Hargrove-JW.1979.

tsetse flies Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw G. pallidipes Aust (Diptera: Glossinidae)

odour-baited traps
decline in trap catches was due to a reduction in population densities rather than a decreasing responsiveness of tsetse to the trap
woodland in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
Hargrove-JW; Vale-GA.1979

Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel)

C. macellaria (F.)

electrocutor grid traps
Higher captures in the grid trap
Curacao Island, Netherlands Antilles

Saltmarsh Aedes vigilax A. procax

40    funereus

Culex australicus

Mansonia uniformis

(Diptera: Culicidae)

light traps
from Maroochy Shire, Australia, for Barmah
Ryan-PA; Kay-BH.1999

Anopheles darlingi

light traps vs human bait
The CDC light trap was more efficient (62%)
Ocamo, Amazonas State, Venezuela
Rubio-Palis-Y; Guzman-H; Magris-M.1999.

Chironomus plumosus

black light traps
This effect was significantly enhanced by using a sound trap equipped with a black light lamp
Lake Suwa in central Japan
Hirabayashi-K; Ogawa-KI.1999.

Musca domestica, Calliphora vicina and Drosophila  melanogaster

Lamp traps
40 W actinic lamp made the lamp trap more efficient

Locatelli-DP; Longhini-BA.1999

Mediterranean fruit

Ceratitis capitata

manures attractive
It is recommended that    manuring is avoided at the same time as spraying, or that manure is concealed in the soil.


fruitflies Bactrocera dorsalis Bactrocera zonatus Bactrocera zonata

methyl eugenol baited traps
methyl eugenol baited trap trapped all the males which were males
orchards in Pakistan
Ishtiaq-Ali; Farman-Ullah; Shah-Alam-Khan.1999

Mediterranean fruit-fly,

Ceratitis capitata

hand-made trap
south-east as the most favourable position of the traps for fly capture.

South-West Morocco
Naamani-K; Herbaut-C; Koch-AAE; Bakri-A; Chemseddine-M.1999.

Dipt., Sciaridae Trichosia jenkinsoni and Corynoptera bulgarica

yellow traps,  light trap
high efficiency of the yellow traps in collecting  the sciarids
Elster-Pleisse-Aue near Leipzig
Metzner-K; Erlacher-SI; Leuckefeld-S.1999.

Glossina palpalis palpalis

trap designs Vavoua' trap
The 'black/blue/black' screen can be used for succcess
Laveissiere-C; Penchenier-L; Sinda-D; Zoulani-A.1998.

Mediterranean fruit fly

C. capitata

(Diptera: Tephritidae)

traps baited with female-targeted lures
C. capitata was significantly less in trimedlure traps than in plastic McPhail traps baited with the 3 component synthetic lure
island of Chios, Greece
Katsoyannos-BI; Heath-RR; Papadopoulos-NT; Epsky-ND; Hendrichs-J.1999.

Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae)

biconical traps
carbon dioxide released at half this rate increased both the numbers of female tsetse attracted to a trap and the catches in a trap by about 2-3 times.
shores of Lake Victoria, Kenya
Mohamed-Ahmed-MM; Mihok-S.1999

Bactrocera correcta

new trap with cotton wool as dispenser
Orange and yellow coloured traps attracted more fruit flies
Jalaluddin-SM; Natarajan-K; Sadakathulla-S; Rajukkannu-K; Reddy-PP, Kumar-NKK (ed.); Verghese-A.1998.

cabbage root fly, Delia radicum, turnip root fly, Delia floralis

felt traps
felt traps is good
Denmark and Norway
Bligaard-J; Meadow-R; Nielsen-O; Percy-Smith-A.1999.

House fly

ultraviolet light from insect traps.
results indicate that insect traps with ultraviolet light as an attractant would not be detrimental to production of broilers

Hogsette-JA; Wilson-HR.1999.

Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)

yellow sticky traps
yellow sticky trap is more reliable than the pupal tray for estimating densities of L. trifolii larvae and mines on tomato.

Ozawa-A; Saito-T; Ikeda-F; Ota-M.1998.

Culicoides Latreille (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae)

Disney traps with baits (opossums, chickens and hamsters); CDC light traps at 3 heights (1, 5 and 10 m); suspended traps (5 m); malaise traps (1 m)
The most efficient trap was the CDC.
forest reserve Adolpho Ducke.
Veras-RS; Castellon-EG.1998.

A. arabiensis

A. gambiae s.s.

light and bednet in CDC light-trap
Protecting the bait with a mosquito net increased the catch _3X for A. gambiae s.l. and _3.5X for A. funestus.
Ouagadougou,Burkina Faso
Costantini-C; Sagnon-NF; Sanogo-E; Merzagora-L; Coluzzi-M.1998.

woodland mosquitoes and other Diptera

Aedes atlanticus,

A. dupreei, A. infirmatus, Anopheles crucians s.l., Culiseta melanura,

Culex nigripalpus, Psorophora columbiae and Uranotaenia sapphirina

colored light-emitting diodes as attractants
a significant difference in attractivity of lights was found in some species
north central Florida
Burkett-DA; Butler-JF; Kline-DL.1998.

malaria vectors

(A. culicifacies,

 A. fluviatilis,

A. annularis,

A. subpictus,

A. theobaldi,

A. nigerrimus,

A. splendidus)

light traps did not have any bias in favour of any particular species
Singh-N; Mishra-AK; Neeru-Singh.1997.

Diptera, Hymenoptera. Dermaptera and Strepsiptera

Thysanoptera, Mecoptera, Saltatoria, Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Psocoptera, Lepidoptera and Araneae,

window and Malaise traps
window traps were significantly more effective in catching Thysanoptera, Mecoptera, Saltatoria, Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Psocoptera, Lepidoptera and Araneae,
Malaise traps were significantly more efficient in catching Diptera, Hymenoptera. Dermaptera and Strepsiptera
Rickenbach, Switzerland
Schneider-K; Duelli-P.1997.

Culex pipiens, Aedes caspius,

A. vexans,

Culiseta annulata, Anopheles maculipennis s.l., A. claviger Coquillettidia richiardii.

bovine-baited trap
effectively used
northeastern Italy
Cancrini-G; Pietrobelli-M; Frangipane-Di-Regalbono-A; Tampieri-MP.1997.

Ceratitis capitata

Improved controlled-release formulations for a new trap design (C&C traps)
consistently higher male medfly catches with panels in than with the standard trimedlure polymeric plug in Jackson traps.

Warthen-JD; Cunningham-RT; Leonhardt-BA; Cook-JM; Avery-JW; Harte-EM.1997.

Bactrocera zonata (Saunders)

traps of different colours
The number of flies captured per trap was significantly higher in yellow than in green and white colour traps
Islamabad, Pakistan
Talib-Hussain; Siddiqui-QH; Qureshi-ZA; Hussain-T; Ahmad-M (ed.); Shakoori-AR.1995.

Glossina pallidipes and Glossina longipennis (Diptera: Glossinidae)

odour-baited biconical traps
The intensity of trapping and level of seasonal immigration appeared to be the main determinants of population trends
Nguruman in south-western Kenya
Brightwell-R; Dransfield-RD; Stevenson-P; Williams-B.1997.

C. vishnui and Anopheles subpictus

Culex quinquefasciatus
An insecticide impregnated fabric (IIF) trap
The numbers of mosquitoes in the trap were significantly correlated with the numbers caught in hand catches
Das-PK; Sivagnaname-N; Amalraj-DD.1997.

Glossina fuscipes fuscipes

biconical trap
it appeared important to determine the optimum radius for the incomplete ring of nets for a reliable efficiency estimate.

lake Victoria shore, Kenya
Odulaja-A; Mohamed-Ahmed-MM, 1997

Mediterranean fruit fly

Ceratitis capitata

(Diptera: Tephritidae)

Nadler traps (modified Steiner traps) baited with trimedlure
best place to locate a trap was in a shaded place on a host tree.
Israely-N; Yuval-B; Kitron-O; Nestel-D.1997.

Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Ceratitis capitata

bucket traps
The greatest C. capitata captures were achieved with orange and yellow bucket traps

Uchida-GK; Walsh-WA; Encarnacion-C; Vargas-RI; Stark-JD; Beardsley-JW; McInnis-DO.1996

medflies Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (Diptera : Tephritidae)

Makkar trap,  Jackson trap
Makkar traps loaded with 2 ml of trimedlure + guava or orange juice + 5% buminal + an adhesive material were the most effective on the basis of the total number of captured flies (males and/or females).

Makkar-AW; El-Abbassi-TS.1995.

Anopheles aquasalis and

A. albimanus

light traps combined with carbon dioxide
UV light trap with CO2 to be the most reliable

Anastrepha sp. Anastrepha spp

plastic McPhail traps
no difference in efficiency between glass and plastic McPhail traps for capturing species of Anastrepha.
Boscan-de-Martinez-N; Godoy-F.1995.

Anastrepha spp

food bait trap
most efficient food bait, capturing an average of 6 times more Anastrepha than hydrolysed protein
El Salvador
Delmi-M; Moran-S; Nunez-F; Granados-G.1996.
Encephalitis vector mosquitoes
FHK type light trap
it is not likely that the light trap can be a useful tool in the control of Japanese encephalitis.

Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Takagi et al., 1995
  1. vestitipennis and
A. albimanus
ultraviolet light traps
The CDC/UV trap (down draft) was superior to the FP/UV trap in sampling efficiency and in handling
Dominican Republic
Mekuria et al., 1994
house flies

Musca domestica

lamps used in insect electrocuting traps
green light overall caught 30% more flies

Veal et al., 1995
tsetse, Glossina fuscipes fuscipes
biconical trap
The model enabled the estimation of optimum trapping distances from the different habitat types for G. f. fuscipes.

Odulaja-A; Mohamed-Ahmed-MM.2001
olive fly

Bactrocera oleae

ecotraps demonstrated that their efficiency


Anopheles gambiae s.s
A. funestus,
Culex uinquefasciatus, Mansonia africana,
A. wellcomei, and Aedes circumluteolus
carbon dioxide-baited trap
ENT was superior to the CDC trap with light

Mboera et al., 2000
Anopheles koliensis,
  1. punctulatus,
  1. karwari,
  1. farauti s.l.,
A. longirostris and A. bancroftii.
 (Diptera: Culicidae)
CDC (Centers for Disease Control) miniature light traps
Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax in A. punctulatus and A. farauti s.l. were significantly higher in light trap collections than in either indoor or outdoor landing catches
Papua New Guinea
Hii et al., 2000
Anastrepha striata Shiner (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Dedordy T-93 trap,
McPhail trap
No significant differences were observed between torula yeast and hydrolysed soyabean protein + borax as attractants
Santa Barbara, Monagas, Venezuela
Rodriguez et al., 2000
Culex mosquitoes Culex tarsalis
C D C-style miniature light traps, New Jersey light traps
Catch of Culex tarsalis females in traps baited with CO2 released at 0.5-1.5 litres/min from gas cylinders was significantly greater
California USA Mosquito Surveillance Program,
Reisen et al., 2000
Glossina brevipalpis and Glossina austeni (Diptera: Glossinidae) G. brevipalpis and
G. austen
H trap
Catches of up to 76 G. brevipalpis and 37 G. austeni were obtained per trap on a single day with the H3 modification
South Africa

olive fly Dacus oleae (Gmel.)
McPhail traps
trap which was similar for both sexes

Kapatos-E; Fletcher-BS.1983.
Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and other orders
Malaise traps
Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and other orders
Albany, New York State
Townes et al., 1983
Fruit flies
medfly traps
Rebell traps with the attractant trimedlure added to the glue were highly efficient in catching males
Sardinia (Italy) and Turkey
Cavalloro et al., 1983

Fruit flies
yellow traps,
Pheromone traps
Pheromone traps were better than  yellow trap

Greece and Italy
Cavalloro et al., 1983
Glossina palpalis gambiensis
chemical and mechanical barriers, reinforced by biconic traps
An increase in the number of traps and frequency of spraying increased the isolation of the experimental areas, but a small number of flies were still able to cross the barriers. Although the major part of a tsetse population flies only short distances, 5% can cover up to 21 km in the gallery forest, and a smaller proportion can cross over the savanna from one river to another, a distance of up to 6 km.
Yaounde (Cameroun)
Cuisance et al., 1981
Glossina spp
biconical traps impregnated with insecticide
Trapping with spraying   appears possible to combine this method with sterile-male releases which resulted reduced populations by trapping.

riverine forests in the Ivory Coast
Laveissiere et al., 1981
Musca autumnalis (Diptera: Muscidae)
adhesive traps
A comparison of trap-catches with face counts of M. autumnalis from cattle showed that face counts were not greatly affected by marked changes in abundance of the indexed populations. Flies on cattle and in traps were significantly aggregated
Moon-RD; Kaya-HK.1981.

Mexican fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens
McPhail traps
seasonal increase in numbers was derived mainly from infestations in grapefruit and that harvesting played a significant part in controlling numbers by removing infested fruit
Belize, Central America
Anopheles arabiensis Patt
eaves traps
DDT at 1.5 or deltamethrin (decamethrin) at 5-6 mg/m2. Both compounds were highly effective for over 2 years
Taylor et al., 1981
walnut husk fly Rhagoletis completa Cress
Rectangular ammonium carbonate traps (Pherocon AM trap)
the rectangular ammonium carbonate traps was superior  used not only for monitoring but also for partial control, while the green spherical traps useful for monitoring oviposition and therefore for timing chemical control measures.

Riedl et al., 1981
Dacus oleae Gmelin
Fruit fly trap
A trap density of 0.5 trap/tree throughout the experimental field and one trap/tree in the periphery is suggested for mass-trapping tests with this pest

Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust
Various traps
the outside trap should be white, with black near the basal entrances, the entrances should be provided with tunnels projecting into trap, and the inside of trap should be made white at base and black at top. The top of the trap should be an open-ended tube around the cone of netting that leads to the retaining cage

screwworm, Cochlyomyia hominivorax Coq
The Bishopp trap
The Bishopp trap caught a total of 241 adults of C. hominivorax (0.08% of the total catch of Diptera in the trap) and the wind trap caught 101 examples (2.48%) of the total catch.
the tropics
Ocampo-Candido et al., 1981
Hydrotaea irritans (Fall.).
Malaise trap
central England
Knight-MJ; Oldham-RS.1982.
tsetse ecology
Manitoba, Malaise, sticky, water or Swynnerton traps
Novel techniques in control of  Glossina
Upper Volta, Ivory Coast, Togo, Kenya and Zambia
screwworms (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
traps, baited with the attractant swormlure-4
trapping efficiency can be improved by placing traps near and upwind of warm-blooded animals
southern Mexico
Brenner-RJ. 1985.
Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae):
Steiner trap baited with trimedlure
capture of nearby males
Cunningham-RT; Couey-HM.1986.
common cleg, Haematopota pluvialis (Meigen) (Diptera: Tabanidae).
Manitoba traps
The reduced efficiency of the Manitoba trap is attributed to the plastic canopy which appears white in colour particularly when wet.
Argyll, Scotland
Thomson-RCK; Saunders-DS.1986

C. quinquefasciatus
Gravid traps
Gravid traps were most effective in residential habitats where there were few competitive oviposition sites.

flying insects
 Light traps, Suction traps, Flight traps, Light traps
By bringing together examples and research findings from the fields of medical/veterinary and agricultural/forestry entomology together with a few from conservation ecology, this should do much to broaden understanding of the subject and help research workers to develop techniques appropriate to their individual needs.


Ladd trap, apple maggot (AM) trap
An aerosol formulation of tangle-trap used as the adhesive with AM traps reduced catches by 38 and 46% compared to brush-on and spreadable formulations of the adhesive. Odour-enhanced lures improved the efficiency of traps under certain environmental conditions.

Warner-J; Smith-A,1989
adult Mansonia mosquitoes
sound trapping
Daily trapping at the 2 sites collected large numbers of both sexes of Mansonia.

fruit fly
different trap colours forms
Spherical yellow traps were most attractive to the tephritids followed by green cylindrical traps.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

These results validated the procedure used by the senior author to sample mosquito emergence from tanks when evaluating the mosquito control efficacy of selected fish species in waste water environments.

Glossina palpalis palpalis'wild' flies
pyramidal traps
These preliminary results indicate that such kinds of continuous monitoring of sentinel pigs and sheep can constitute a useful means of evaluating the efficiency of control of sleeping sickness vectors
stable flies
Alsynite trap, Williams traps
The diameter of the cylindrical trap directly affected the number of stable flies caught. Stable flies landed predominantly on the areas of the trap most protected from the wind.

tsetse flies
Moloo trap
The environmental impact, relative costs, advantages and disadvantages of the method and limitations of trapping for veterinary applications are each discussed briefly, and finally the stages of a tsetse control operation for pastoralists and the integration of screens and trapping with other trypanosomiasis control techniques (insecticide airspray, sterile male release, chemotherapy and prophylaxis, insecticidal dipping, pour-on or ear-tagging, ivermectin injection or bolus) is outlined and then summarised in a 1-page action plan. An up-to-date bibliography is given.
Togo, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon,
tsetse [Glossina],
pheromone traps
For pest species with very low fertility rates and high survivorship, such as tsetse [Glossina], sterile releases combined with food traps containing insecticides are most efficient.

Rhagoletis pomonella
Pherocon AM traps, Ladd traps
The efficiency of both Pherocon AM panels and Ladd traps was increased by the addition of ammonium carbonate lures.

Jones-VP; Davis-DW,1989,
Rhagoletis pomonella
Ladd yellow-panel- plus red-hemisphere traps, red wooden-sphere traps, and Olson sphere traps
Trials in 16 blocks scouted by growers with baited traps and a threshold of 5 adults per trap for timing sprays resulted in 0.6 fewer applications and no difference in fruit infestation levels, compared with blocks sprayed according to the growers' conventional schedules.
New York
9 species of tephritid fruit flies
parapheromones indicated that trap
Traps placed at ground level on creeping plants were found to capture the highest numbers of B. cucurbitae. The response of C. capitata in fruit tree orchards to traps at different heights was erratic, showing inconsistent trends with more than one peak.
carrot fly, Psila rosae
coloured sticky board traps
Most flies were caught on traps resting on the ground. The number of flies caught was reduced by 0.84% for each cm the trap was raised above 10 cm from the ground.
Collier-RH; Finch-S,1990,
medfly (Ceratitis capitata Wied.)
McPhail traps, Jackson traps
McPhail traps with Nulure, borax plus ammonium phosphate, and Jackson traps with white or yellow sticky inserts were the least effective.

fruit fly Dacus dorsalis [Bactrocera dorsalis]
coloured plastic bucket traps
The results suggest that the attractiveness of traps is due primarily to intensity of reflected light. The potential for improving trap efficiency in B. dorsalis monitoring and control programmes is discussed
Stark-JD; Vargas-RI,1992,
tsetse flies
Lancien pyramidal traps
The efficiency of traps was reflected in the fact that G. f. fuscipes populations were reduced by up to 95% in Tome and 90% in Bulopa-Walwanda and Lwenyanja villages.
Buvuma Island

adult Chironomidae (Diptera)
lit traps
The number of midges per trap tended to decrease with the number of lit traps but increased with the number of lit BL-lamps.
(Lake Suwa, Japan).

Malaise traps
The Malaise trap assemblages were more diverse and had a higher proportion of species classed as transients than assemblages from neighbouring vegetation.


Challier-Laveissiere traps
Addition of octenol, although not effective alone, reinforced this attractancy.

Burkina Faso
fruit fly
Jackson traps
During the observation periods, no lekking wild males were observed, and not a single wild female was observed to respond to Jackson traps with either trimedlure or trimedlure + ammonia.

house flies (Musca domestica), flesh flies, blow flies,
UV fly traps
The Vector trap (also marketed as Prism and Hygenius fly traps) collected more flying insects per week than did either of the prototypes and fewer living flies were seen each week in milk rooms operating Vector traps.

Caribbean fruit flies

This review of attractants (including food, visual, acoustical and pheromone attractants, and trap efficiency) for monitoring Anastrepha suspensa is concerned especially with control of the tephritid on Citrus in Florida.


olive fruit fly (Dacus oleae (Gmel.))
McPhail traps yellow sticky traps
The McPhail trap baited with ammonium phosphate captured considerably more flies than the other combinations. Biotraps combining 2 types of pheromone capsules were the least attractive.

tsetse flies

Analytical results derived for 2 limiting cases: very mobile flies and inefficient traps; relatively immobile flies and very efficient traps. Extending the models to inhomogeneous habitats and combining them with knowledge of tsetse biology and information on climate and vegetation should make it possible to predict spatial and seasonal changes in tsetse fly densities and so to provide a sound basis for planning tsetse control operations.

Aedes sierrensis
duplex cone and Fay-Prince traps
Male numbers in duplex cone trap collections explained only 27% of the variation in the number of males collected at sentinels, suggesting that neither trap is a robust tool for estimating male activity around humans.

California, USA
G. tachinoides
impregnated traps
The problem of correctly dispensing the right amount at all times, independently of temperature, wind and humidity seems to be critical; in the case of G. tachinoides, the nutritional status of the population at the time of the catch is also important.


When using an electric net as a sampling device, account needs to be taken of the level of, and variation in, efficiency.


house flies (Musca domestica)
electrocutor trap
The results from electroretinograms recorded in response to different levels of Me were consistent with the idea that at a given wavelength the attractiveness of a lamp is attributable to the quantitative output perceived by the fly.

house flies (Musca domestica)
electrocuting insect traps
The number of scale fragments significantly increased when electrocuting traps were used, but not with the electronic trap. Numerous spherical particles (diameter <10 µm) were also collected in air filtrates near electrocuting traps killing moths.

tsetse (Glossina spp.) G. pallidipes

There was no effect of bait mass on landing probability for G. m. morsitans and no difference between the sexes; ca. 11% of the catch landed on the cloth portion of the target. Efficiency and landing behaviour were independent of climate and season.

buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua de Meijere)

The results demonstrate the feasibility of controlling Haematobia without insecticides, by using a simple, sustainable and environmentally friendly trap, provided that cattle use the traps regularly.

Sutherst-RW; Tozer-RS,1995
tsetse flies

The development and testing of these models has relied extensively on the data collected in the field at Nguruman and in turn the models have helped us to interpret the data and to formulate new questions and experiments.


mango fly.
McPhail, EUGO TC-11, EUGO TC-12, EUGO TC-13 and EUGO TC-14,
It was established that no significant differences existed in the capture capacity of the McPhail and EUGO TC-13 traps
Glossina tachinoides and Glossina morsitans
biconical traps
The results varied with the season, the species and the sex of Glossina. The influence of distance was not investigated.

Burkina Faso

anopheline mosquitoes
The study shows that light-traps, when used in combination with night-biting collections, can be an effective and sensitive means for measuring human-biting activity and the sporozoite rate.

coastal Tanzania
legume leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess),
yellow flat sticky trap
Adults of Liriomyza trifolii were caught in highest numbers using yellow flat sticky traps placed at 0.2-0.5 m above the ground level in greenhouses with Gerbera, cherry tomatoes and celery crops. Of the captured individuals 80% were male.

Tatara-A; Furuki-T,1994
tsetse-fly species Glossina tachinoides
biconical traps
No significant difference could be shown between trypanosome-infected and uninfected G. tachinoides relative to trap-orientated behaviour and nutritional status.

tsetse and horse flies
monoconical (Merot) traps
The biconical trap with a bottle gave results which varied according to the year, but these results were never more than equal to those with the cage. The differences were more significant in the catches of males.
Burkina Faso
Amsler-S; Filledier-J,1994,
antagonists of aphids in cereal fields
pitfall traps
Laboratory experiments on the consumption capacities of 10 carabid species with Rhopalosiphum padi, Metopolophium dirhodum and Contarinia tritici. Poecilus cupreus [Pterostichus cupreus] had the greatest consumption capacity, feeding on 108 individuals of R. padi/day.
Lubke-Al-Hussein-M; Triltsch-H,1994,

fruit fly
poison bait traps
The average numbers of flies trapped per trap per day ranged from 2.36 to 4.57 and the method proved popular with farmers.
tsetse flies(Glossina spp.)
67 Hz nets
The proportion of tsetse avoiding a standard electric net was ca 27% in full sun, ca. 40% in shade, implying an overall sampling efficiency of, at best, ca. 65% at the optimum 200 Hz discharge rate in sunshine, and ca. 40-50% with the 67 Hz nets used currently in Africa.
Griffiths-N; Brady-J,1994,
Ceratitis capitata

In the case of male annihilation, the mean number of effective matings per male in the lek, calculated from the frequency of actual matings weighted by the effective mating ratio, was used to evaluate the efficiency of male annihilation as a control technique.

Horng-SB; Plant-RE,1993
fauna of Syrphidae (Diptera)
Malaise traps
Analysis of the results, including dominance structure, seasonal dynamics and abundance, demonstrated the efficiency of the Malaise trap for monitoring urban syrphid populations.

Pellmann-H; Nahhal-MK,1991
mosquito populations
(CFG) trap
It is concluded that both ENT and the CFG are effective tools for sampling populations of A. gambiae and C. quinquefasciatus outdoors.


anopheline mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae)
miniature light traps
Numbers of A. bancroftii in light traps were found to be proportional to those in outdoor landing catches, but were negatively related to those attempting to bite indoors. Circumsporozoite positivity rates for both Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax in A. punctulatus and A. farauti s.l. were significantly higher in light trap collections than in either indoor or outdoor landing catches, suggesting that light traps may selectively sample older mosquitoes of these species.

New Guinea
guava fruitfly (Anastrepha striata)
T-93 trap, McPhail trap
No significant differences were observed between torula yeast and hydrolysed soyabean protein + borax as attractants; however, there was a significant difference between these two formulations and ammonium sulfate + borax, the latter showing low levels of attractiveness.

adult Culex mosquito
miniature light traps
In all experiments, trap location effects were significant and accounted for as much variability in catch size as trap design or CO2 presentation. Sampling efficiency of all trap designs or CO2 presentations were consistent over time, space, and different levels of mosquito abundance.

New Jersey USA

Glossina brevipalpis and Glossina austeni
"H trap"
A number of modifications of the prototype H trap were devised (H1-H5), before the final design was established. Catches of up to 76 G. brevipalpis and 37 G. austeni were obtained per trap on a single day with the H3 modification. Further modifications improved on the trap's efficiency to capture G. brevipalpis and G. austeni. The final modification caught a record number of 180 G. brevipalpis and 57 G. austeni on a single day.

South Africa
Kappmeier-   K,2000
Dacus oleae (Gmel.) (Diptera, Tephritidae)
McPhail trap
During the hottest periods, the fly population was up to 7 times greater in irrigated than in unirrigated trees.
Crete, Greece
Neuenschwander-P; Michelakis-S.1979.
Delia brassicae (Wied.) (Hylemya brassicae)
yellow water-trap fitted
ANCS trap is effective over a range of only 5 m.
Wellesbourne, UK,
Finch-S; Freuler-J; Stadler-E.1980. 
Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and G. pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae)
mechanical traps and an electric trap- biconical traps
results suggested that, when used in the presence of ox odour, the efficiency of this trap for teneral flies was at least as high as for mature flies.

Cydia interstinctana (Clem.) (Grapholita interstinctana)
sticky and water traps- Malaise traps
Adults of Cydia interstinctana (Clem.) (Grapholita interstinctana) were greatly attracted by anisylacetone, and significantly greater numbers of the insect were caught in sticky traps than in water traps
Wilkinson et al., 1980

Glossina pallidipes
Langridge box screen (LBS) and the awning screen skirt (ASS), w
The results indicate that the ASS is preferable to the LBS for sampling G. pallidipes.
Etten-J-Van; Van-Etten-J.1981.
walnut husk fly Rhagoletis completa Cress
Pherocon AM traps
A sticky food-carton trap baited with ammonium carbonate, the traditional monitoring method, was less effective than the commercially available Pherocon AM trap but provided similar flight curves
northern California
Riedl-H; Hoying-SA.1980
tsetse species, Glossina pallidipes
A. Challier & C. Laveissiere Langridge's box screen (LBS) and S. K. Moloo's awning screen skirt (ASS)
The biconical trap is preferable, because it is collapsible, easy to handle and transport, and needs minimal manpower to operate
Challier et al., 1981
Culex quinquefasciatus Say
EVS battery powered light traps
fan blade 0.75 in. wide, with a pitch angle of 30 deg , provides 82% greater air velocity than commercially available plastic blades and considerably reduces the mutilation of trapped mosquitoes by the blades.
Rohe et al., 1879
mosquito-borne encephalitis
miniature battery powered CO2 baited light trap
CDC trap units in structural and wiring concepts yielded a simple and rugged configuration in which all components are contained in a single, compact, easy-to-assemble unit that utilises 2 'D' cell batteries, weighs 0.95 kg, and holds about 1.45 kg solid carbon dioxide
Rohe-DL; Fall-RP.1979

Culex erythrothorax Dyar
EVS trap
The tests showed that the EVS trap [see preceding abstract, next abstract] was significantly more effective in capturing C. tarsalis Coq.,
Smith-TA et al., 1979
ultraviolet light source
The device with a 90 W ultraviolet source performed markedly better electrocutes

Dacus dorsalis Hend D. cucurbitae Coq. and Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)
food baits in water traps
proteinaceous food baits in water traps were 20 times more efficient in trapping adults of Dacus dorsalis Hend
Cunningham-RT et al., 1978
cabbage root fly (Delia brassicae)
allyl isothiocyanate and hexyl acetate
allyl isothiocyanate and hexyl acetate markedly affected the behaviour of gravid flies in an olfactometer
Wallbank-BE; Wheatley-GA.1979.
Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust
incomplete ring of electrified nets was placed round a trap
The coefficient of variation of such estimates (about 10%) was low enough to suggest that the technique affords a quick and reliable means of screening the efficiency of many trap designs
Vale-GA; Hargrove-JW.1979.
Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust
odour-baited traps
. Of G. pallidipes marked and released 250, 1250 and 2250 m from the trap, the percentages recaptured in the trap after 5 days were about 20, 10 and 4, respectively, and after 40 days about 28, 15 and 13
Hargrove-JW; Vale-GA.1979.
Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) and adults of C. macellaria (F.)
electrocutor-grid trap
an electrocutor-grid trap were 1.7, 1.7, 6.3 and 6.2 times as great, respectively, as those in a newly developed wind-oriented trap
Curacao Island Netherlands Antilles
Anopheles darlingi Root
light traps vs human bait
. The CDC light trap was more efficient (62%) than the ultraviolet light trap (45%) in relation to the human landing catches
Ocamo, Amazonas State
Rubio-Palis-Y et al., 1999

Chironomus plumosus
artificial wingbeat sounds in black light traps
. The mean number of midges captured by sound + light trap was about 4.5 times the number of midges caught by either light or sound trap alone
Lake Suwa in central Japan.
Hirabayashi-K; Ogawa-KI.1999
Musca domestica,  Calliphora vicina and Drosophila melanogaster
light traps
Efficiency increased when the size of the lamp was increased. Equally good results were obtained from a trap with a 20 W in a 59 cm long trap.

Locatelli-DP et aal., 1999
Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
McPhail trap, hand-made traps made from 500 ml plastic jars with yellow painted bottoms and 2 or 4 opposing holes.
Equal numbers of C. capitata were caught in all the three types of traps
Bactrocera dorsalis Bactrocera zonatus [Bactrocera zonata]
eugenol baited traps
At 1 m height Diptrex, Laser and methomyl killed an average of 42.76, 40.04 and 37.05 flies/trap/week, respectively. At 1.5 m height, the efficiency slightly decreased to 40.35, 37.77 and 34.68 flies/trap/week, while at 2 m height the catch dropped to an average of 37.78, 36.16 and 33.58 flies/trap/week.
Ishtiaq-Ali et aal., 1999
Ceratitis capitata (Diptera, Tephritidae).
hand-made trap
south-east as the most favourable position of the traps for fly capture.

South-West Morocco
Naamani-K et al., 1999
Trichosia jenkinsoni and

Corynoptera bulgarica

yellow traps
70% of all species were in the yellow traps which reveals the high efficiency of this collecting method for sciarids.
Central Europe
Metzner-K et. al.,1999

Glossina palpalis palpalis
'Vavoua' trap
'Vavoua' trap is still the most efficient
Laveissiere-C et.al., 1998
Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae)
in biconical traps
efficiency estimates for G. f. fuscipes were good, varying from 37 to 82%
Lake Victoria, Kenya
Mohamed-Ahmed-MM; Mihok-S.1999.
Bactrocera correcta
new trap with cotton wool as dispenser
Orange and yellow coloured traps attracted more fruit flies, recording 4.34 and 4.18 numbers/day
Tamil Nadu
Jalaluddin-SM et., al.1998
nuisance fly in Avian broilers
light traps
insect traps with ultraviolet light as an attractant would not be detrimental to production of broilers.

Hogsette-JA; Wilson-HR.1999
Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)
yellow sticky trap
significantly correlated with the number of larvae per plant, but not with larval number 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after counting pupae on tomato

Culicoides Latreille (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae)
CDC trap
The CDC trap placed at 1 m caught 898 specimens representing 9 species; the trap at 5 m caught 895 specimens
Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, Amazonas State, Brazil
Veras-RS; Castellon-EG.1998.
malaria vectors
  1. arabiensis
  1. gambiae s.s
A. funestus
miniature CDC light-traps
Protecting the bait with a mosquito net increased the catch _3X for A. gambiae s.l. and _3.5X for A. funestus.
Burkina Faso
Costantini-C et., al,1998
malaria vectors
The study revealed that light traps did not have any bias in favour of any particular species.
Central India
Singh-N et., al,1997

window and Malaise traps
Malaise traps appear not to be suited for quantitative sampling in exposed sites.

Rickenbach, Switzerland
Schneider-K; Duelli-P.1997.A
Ceratitis capitata
controlled-release polymeric panels with trimedlure and ceralure in a new trap, the C&C trap
using released sterile flies showed consistently higher male medfly catches with panels in C&C traps
United States
Warthen-JD et., al,1997
Bactrocera zonata (Saunders)
traps of different colours
Yellow sticky traps also attracted higher numbers
Talib-Hussain JD et., al,1995

Wild olive fruit flies
sticky traps McPhail traps hydrolyzed protein Buminal or the odour lure Entomozyl
The addition of a long-lasting Biolure ammonium acetate dispenser to yellow single or crossed rectangular Rebell traps significantly improved their efficiency.

Economopoulos-AP; Papadopoulos-A.1983.
Tsetse: Glossina morsitans morsitans, G. pallidipes, G. austeni and G. brevipalpis Newst
biconical trap
markedly  enhanced by acetone
Ips typographus and Trypodendron lineatum [Xyloterus lineatus]
coloured flight barrier traps
concluded that black traps should be used for trapping bark-beetles
German Federal Republic
Dubbel et al., 1985.
Ceratitis capitata
trap pattern may be a rectangle or a cross
Mangel et al., 1984
tsetse flies

The efficiency of a screen varies with the relative position and proportion of blue and black stripes; the best was a blue screen fringed with 2 black stripes with a bb blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width. Blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width. Blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width. Blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width.  Blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width.  Blue/black ratio between 1 and 2 for a 83 cm width
Ivory Coast
Ceratitis capitata Wied

The results showed that the attractancy of the hydrolyzed protein was reduced by almost half when insecticide was added to the bait.

This suggests that these microcosms should provide statistically significant evaluations of the mosquito control efficacy of selected larvivorous fishes in waste water environments.


Musca vetustissima

Placement of traps in preferred fly haunts was essential for maximum trapping efficiency. The method might be applicable for periodic containment of these flies in continental areas.

Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands.

these flies in continental areas.

various types of sound traps.
The board speaker trap also caught significantly larger numbers of females of A. albopictus than the other traps.
Ikeshoji-T; Ogawa-K,1988
peridomestic mosquito filarial vectors
CDC gravid mosquito trap
A factor of 0.7217 converts these figures to comparative cost-effectiveness. C. quinquefasciatus made up 83% and A. subalbatus 16% of the trap catches over 12 months; the remaining 1% consisted of Aedes aegypti, A. albopictus, A. (Aedimorphus) jamesi, C. tritaeniorhynchus and C. (Lutzia) sp. For the indoor resting samples, species other than the first two are not mentioned.

Sri Lanka
fruit flies
Modified McPhail traps
It is suggested that mangoes are infested by adults emerging from pupae in the soil and by migratory adults.

Costa Rica

Ceratitis capitata Wied
2 trap types (transparent plexiglass coated with adhesive and wood soaked in deltamethrin at 0.25% a.i.),
The efficiency of the 2nd type was confirmed by comparing oviposition in treated and untreated groves
Ortu-S; Prota-R,1988
windblown arthropods
Malaise trap
Malaise trap efficiency was compared with that of aerial traps, and the efficacy of Malaise traps in collecting windblown arthropods in lowland forests in New Zealand appeared to be limited.
New Zealand
Moeed-A; Meads-MJ,1987,

adults of Lonchaea cristula,

Ninety-six percent of the specimens captured belonged to the genus Lonchaea and it was concluded that hydrolyzed corn protein is a highly specific attractant for this group.

Tenerife, Canary Islands,

fruit flies
McPhail traps
The traps in this study caught flies of 14 families including Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae, Anthomyiidae and Ulidiidae.

insect pest populations (such as Glossina),
pheromone-baited traps
These differences in relative efficiency appear to depend on the frequency of mating relative to birth and mortality rates.


killing flies

The addition of muscalure (25 to 200 mg/device) increased the number of flies killed by the devices by as much as 76% but only one of the increases was statistically significant.

Rutz-DA; Scoles-GA; Howser-GG,1988,
Cochliomyia hominivorax
traps (baited with swormlure-4)
During periods when trees and other vegetation are in full foliage, detection and survey of adult populations may be better accomplished by placing traps in pastures rather than woods.

Rhagoletis pomonella
apple maggot (Diptera: Tephritidae) lures
The Pherocon AM panel (which incorporated a mixture of 0.5 g ammonium acetate and 0.5 g casein hydrolysate) exhibited a reduced capture efficiency when aged for 9 days before use, which correlated well with the 5-day longevity observed in laboratory tests.
Valencia-type fly-traps
For monitoring the populations, the best results were obtained with the plastic bottles (which were perforated at the top) containing a 25% solution of passionfruit juice as the bait.

house flies
ultraviolet-emitting electric fly traps
Methods are given for calculating the relative attractiveness of light sources for M. domestica and of calculating the relative efficiency of any electric trap design. Calculated effectiveness was validated by experimentation.

three species of tsetse fly
biconical trap
The sex ratios of the captures were variable, depending on the type of trap or target; the electrified biconical trap and the screen with mosquito netting caught a considerably greater percentage of females than did the other traps.

South-western Burkina Faso
Filledier-J; Politzar-H,1985,

cotton boll weevils
pheromone traps (model of D.D. Hardee)
The results showed that used traps were as efficient as new ones and that the use of insecticidal strips increased trap efficiency.
adult populations of Tipula spp.
water traps
It was concluded that operator error can be as important as predictive error in the implementation of a forecasting scheme and that it cannot be assumed that any monitoring system operates with complete accuracy.

Northern Ireland

AMBI Larval Pupal

The water delivery system was altered and the collecting container replaced by an aquarium fish net.

Glossina palpalis palpalis
"Vavoua" trap.
composed of a blue external part (cotton/polyester) and a black internal part (polyamide) with a blue/black ratio equal to 2.

Ivory Coast
Laveissiere-C; Grebaut-P,1990,
fruit flies
Yellow fluorescent sticky traps
. For Dacus oleae [Bactrocera oleae], plastic McPhail traps baited with 2% ammonium phosphate and Rebell traps with Buminal capsules were the most effective.


Amsler-S; Filledier-J,1994,Attractiveness for Tabanidae of the meta-cresol/octenol association: results in Burkina Faso. Revue-d'Elevage-et-de-Medecine-Veterinaire-des-Pays-Tropicaux. 1994, 47: 1, 93-96; 17.
Amsler-S; Filledier-J; Millogo-R,1994,Different positions of dispenser bags with olfactory attractants in biconical traps (Challier-Laveissiere). Effects on catches of Glossina tachinoides and Glossina morsitans submorsitans (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Burkina Faso. Revue-d'Elevage-et-de-Medecine-Veterinaire-des-Pays-Tropicaux. 1994, 47: 3, 301-311; 41.
Aquino-IS; Ramalho-F-de-S; Jesus-FMM; Guevara-LAC; Hardee-DD,1986,Efficiency of new and used pheromone traps in the capture of cotton boll weevils. Pesquisa-Agropecuaria-Brasileira. 1986, 21: 8, 817-821; 2 fig.; 16
Barclay-HJ,1987Models for pest control using sex pheromones and chemosterilants. Insect-Science-and-its-Application. 1987, 8: 2, 187-196; 21
Blackshaw-RP,1987,The use of water traps for cranefly monitoring: an assessment of operator efficiency. Annals-of-Applied-Biology. 1987, 110: 2, 239-245; 2 fig.;
Bligaard-J; Meadow-R; Nielsen-O; Percy-Smith-A.1999.Evaluation of felt traps to estimate egg numbers of cabbage root fly, Delia radicum, and turnip root fly, Delia floralis in commercial crops. Entomologia-Experimentalis-et-Applicata. 1999, 90: 2, 141-148
Bligaard-J; Meadow-R; Nielsen-O; Percy-Smith-A.1999.Evaluation of felt traps to estimate egg numbers of cabbage root fly, Delia radicum, and turnip root fly, Delia floralis in commercial crops. Entomologia-Experimentalis-et-Applicata. 1999, 90: 2, 141-148.
Boscan-de-Martinez-N; Godoy-F.1995.Evaluation of plastic McPhail traps for capturing mango fruit flies.Agronomia-Tropical-Maracay. 1995, 45: 1, 155-158
Brenner-RJ. 1985. Distribution of screwworms (Diptera: Calliphoridae) relative to land use and topography in the humid tropics of southern Mexico. Annals-of-the-Entomological-Society-of-America. 1985, 78: 4, 433-439.
Bressan-S; Teles-MMC-da; Carvajal-SSR,1991,Attractiveness of different trap colours and forms for the fruit fly, Anastrepha spp. (Diptera; Tephritidae) in a field test. Anais-da-Sociedade-Entomologica-do-Brasil. 1991, 20: 1, 17-26; 24
Brightwell-R; Dransfield-RD; Stevenson-P; Williams-B.1997.Changes over twelve years in populations of Glossina pallidipes and Glossina longipennis (Diptera: Glossinidae) subject to varying trapping pressure at Nguruman, south-west Kenya. Bulletin-of-Entomological-Research. 1997, 87: 4, 349-370
Broce-AB,1988,An improved Alsynite trap for stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal-of-Medical-Entomology. 1988, 25: 5, 406-409; 14
Broce-AB,1993,Electrocuting and electronic insect traps: trapping efficiency and production of airborne particles. International-Journal-of-Environmental-Health-Research. 1993, 3: 1, 47-58; 12
Burkett-DA; Butler-JF; Kline-DL.1998. Field evaluation of colored light-emitting diodes as attractants for woodland mosquitoes and other Diptera in north central Florida. Journal-of-the-American-Mosquito-Control-Association. 1998, 14: 2, 186-195;
Cancrini-G; Pietrobelli-M; Frangipane-Di-Regalbono-A; Tampieri-MP.1997.Mosquitoes as vectors of Setaria labiatopapillosa. International-Journal-for-Parasitology. 1997, 27: 9, 1061-1064
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Castleberry-DT,1986,Evaluation of several emergent mosquito sampling attractants with new microcosm environments for use in mosquito control research. Proceedings-and-Papers-of-the-Annual-Conference-of-the-California-Mosquito-and-Vector-Control-Association. 1986, 54: 151-155; 10
Castleberry-DT; Cech-JJ Jr.; Kristensen-AB,1989Evaluation of the effect of varying mosquito emergence on the efficiency of emergence traps over enclosed environments. Journal-of-the-American-Mosquito-Control-Association. 1989, 5: 1, 104-105; 6
Cavalloro-R; Delrio-G; Prota-R; Economopoulos-AP; Haniotakis-GE; Economopoulos-PV; Cavalloro-R (ed.) .1983.Comparative study on food, sex and visual attractants for the olive fruit fly. Fruit flies of economic importance. Proceedings of the CEC-IOBC International Symposium, Athens, Greece, 16-19 November 1982.  1983, 465-472
Cavalloro-R; Delrio-G; Zureoglu-A; Cavalloro-R (ed.) .1983.Attractability range and capture efficiency of medfly traps.Fruit flies of economic importance. Proceedings of the CEC-IOBC International Symposium, Athens, Greece, 16-19 November 1982.  1983, 445-450
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Chowdhury-MK; Malaker-JC; Hossain-MN,1993,Efficiency of poison bait trap in controlling fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae in bitter gourd. Bangladesh-Journal-of-Entomology. 1993, 3: 2, 91-92; 4
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Cuisance-D; Politzar-H; Bourdoiseau-G; Fevrier-J; Sellin-E.1981. Efficiency of chemical and mechanical barriers, reinforced by biconic traps, against Glossina palpalis gambiensis. Sixteenth Meeting, International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control, Yaounde (Cameroun) 1979.  1981, 487-492.
Cunningham-RT; Couey-HM.1986. Mediterranean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae): distance/response curves to trimedlure to measure trapping efficiency. Environmental-Entomology. 1986, 15: 1, 71-74.
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Haniotakis-GE.1981. Field evaluation of the natural female pheromone of Dacus oleae Gmelin. Environmental-Entomology. 1981, 10: 6, 832-834.
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