Saturday, 20 June 2015

Use of Pheromones in managing insects of Storage:Pheromone Resources

Use of Pheromones in managing insects of  Storage
V Nandagopal1, Anand Prakash2 and T. V. Prasad3
1Ex. Senior Scientist, CRRI, Cuttack,Odhisa
2HOD, Crop Protection, CRRI, Cuttack,Odhisa
3Senior Scientist, NBPGR, Pusa, New Delhi-110012

Two major groups of the most economically important post-harvest insect pests: Coleoptera (beetles) and Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). Several Coleopteran and Lepidopteran species attack crops both in the field and in store. Crop damage by Lepidoptera is only done by the larvae. Several lepidopteran larvae entangle the feeding media through silky secretion which turns products into entwined lumps. In the case of Coleoptera, both larvae and adults often feed on the crop and the two stages are responsible for the damage.

Post-harvest insect pests may be primary, i.e. able to attack intact grains such as the genus Sitophilus, while others are secondary pests, attacking already damaged grains or grain products such as the genus Tribolium. The following is a list of the most common post-harvest and storage pests, their biology, distribution and common host plants.

Coleoptera is the largest order of insects and contains the most common and important stored product pests. Adults have their forewings modified as hard elytra. Beetles inhabit a wide variety of habitats and can be found almost everywhere. Those associated with stored products exhibit different behavioural types; some are primary and secondary pests feeding directly on the product, others are general scavengers, fungus feeders, wood borers or predators of other insects. arvae lack the presence of prolegs (abdominal legs) and only possess true legs on the three thoracic segments. Larvae of a few species may also lack true legs, e.g. Sitophilus spp.

Curculionidae (Snout Beetles)
This is a large group of beetles that contains some of the most serious crop and stored grain pests. Members of this family are characterised by the form of the snout (rostrum) which is elongated in most species. This family contains the most destructive stored grains pests in the world.

Rice Weevil: Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (=Calandraoryzae L.)
Maize Weevil: Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (=Calandra zeamais Motsch.)
Granary Weevil: Sitophilus granarius (L.)

The first two species are major primary pests that have a virtually cosmopolitan distribution throughout the warmer parts of the world. The rice weevil (S. oryzae) mainly attacks rice and wheat in stores, while S. zeamais is a serious primary pest of stored maize. However, both species are able to develop on all cereals, dried cassava and other processed food products. The two species are morphologically identical. In Europe, the two species are replaced by the granary weevil, S. granarius, which is wingless and can be distinguished by the sculpturing on the prothorax and elytera.

Natural history:
The life cycle and damage caused by both S. oryzae and S. zeamais are similar. However, S. zeamais is a little larger (5 mm in length) and a very active flier. Infestation usually starts in the field and later continues in the store. Both species are capable of inhibiting reserved breeding grounds near the threshing floors that are normally full of plant residues, where the population builds up in before moving to granaries. Adult females chew grains creating a small hole in which they lay eggs and then seal the hole with a secretion. The optimum temperature for oviposition is around 25oC and at grain moisture contents of over 10 percentage (Brich, 1944). Larvae tunnel in grains and are responsible for most of the damage. Pupation takes place inside the grain and adults chew their way out through the outer layer of the grain. Adults live for 5-6 months depending on the temperature and humidity of grains (Kuschel, 1961; Giles, 1969; Mound, 1989).   S. oryzae adult females can lay more than 500 eggs during their lifetime. The optimal temperature for development is 300C with maximum oviposition taking place at 18 percentage humidity. The rice weevil can live without food for 6-32 days depending on temperature. This species is highly affected by changes in temperature; all stages die in about a week at 00C. On the other hand, S. zeamais tolerates lower temperatures than S. oryzae and can live for 37 days at 00C (Floyd, & Newsom, 1959; Stoyanova, 1984; Zewar, 1993).

Tribolium confusum J. du Val (Tenebrionidae- Darkling beetles)
This is a large and varied group of insects that contains more than 10,000 species of which about 100 are associated with stored products. Most of the tenebrionids are black or dark brown in colour and mainly phytophagous. Adults are characterised by the tarsi of the hind leg with only four segments. Infestation by these beetles results in an unappealing smell due to the secretion of benzoquinones from abdominal glands. The following tenebrionids are serious secondary pests of stored grains and flour.

Confused flour beetle:
These two species are probably the most common secondary pests of all plant commodities in store throughout the world. Several other species of Tribolium are occasional minor pests and can be found in almost every store containing infested cereals or cereal products, specially in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Both species attack maize, wheat, flour and other foodstuffs, but T. confusum does not seem to be as common as T. castaneum in tropical climates (see Hill, 1987; Mills & White, 1994). Members of genus Tribolium are known to produce toxic quinones which contaminate flour and flour products (Gorham, 1989). Damage is done by both larvae and adults specially to broken or damaged grains.

Natural history:
T. castaneum adult females lay small, cylindrical, white eggs scattered in the product. At an optimum temperature of 32.50C, females lay up to 11 eggs daily. Larvae are yellowish with a pale brown head, and they live inside grains until pupation. Adults are about 3-4 mm long and can live for a year or more. Females are highly fecund and able to lay a maximum of 1000 eggs during a lifetime, with 400C and 220C as upper and lower limits for development. This species is also highly tolerable to humidity as low as 11 percentage. Adults are highly adapted to feed on a very wide range of commodities and perfect colonizers of new habitats. In tropical conditions, this species is dominant to T. confusum (Howe, 1962; Dawson, 1977).
The confused flour beetle, T. confusum, is often confused with T. castaneum but they can be separated using the last three segments of the antenna which are much larger than the rest in T. castaneum and forming a club, while the last five segments in T. confusum gradually enlarge towards the tip. Just like T. castaneum, the confused flour beetle develops in crushed grain products and a constant inhabitant of flour mills specially in the temperate regions of the world. In contrast to T. castaneum, this species is not able to fly, but has a long life span that can reach three years under moderate climatic conditions (25-300C) (see Sokoloff, 1972; 1974; 1977).

Yellow mealworm beetle: Tenebrio molitor L.

Natural history:
Tenebrio beetles are black or dark brown and they feed as larvae and adults on grain products. T. molitor is an important post-harvest pest and occurs spread all over the world. Adults are elongate, 16 mm long, and active fliers. Females can lay up to 600 eggs during its lifetime. Larvae firstly eat the germs of stored grains and can feed on a wide variety of plant products such as ground grains, flour, tobacco and foodstuffs. Larvae are very voracious and highly resistant to low temperature; they can remain alive for 80 days at -50C.

Other tenebrionids are less common polyphagous pests around the globe such as T. destructor, T. madens and Palorus depressus.

Bostrichidae (Branch and twig borers)
Members of this family are elongate with the head bent down ventrally to the thorax. Adults are characterised by rasp-like hooks on the pronotum. Most of the species are borers in wood or roots. Wood boring activities of these beetles may weaken timbers or wooden walls of the stores. This family contains two serious stored grain pests:

The lesser grain borer (R. dominica) attacks a wide range of stored cereals. It can be found attacking cassava, flour and other cereal products and is also able to attack rough rice grains. The pest originated from South America, but is now found in all the warmer parts of the world. This species is a serious pest in Australia, from where it was carried to the USA and other parts of the world during World War I. Adults of this species are tiny dark beetles, 2-3 mm in length, and are very voracious with a long life span. Females may continue to lay eggs for four months and are able to lay up to 500 eggs at 340C. They feed externally on grains and lay eggs on their surface. Larvae feed either externally or inside the grain and pupation takes place within the eaten grain. Larval development is relatively faster when fed on whole grains than on flour. Both adults and larvae eat the endosperm leaving powdered grains. This dust can accumulate on the walls of the warehouses and it is a sign of high infestation. Though are not common on pulses, adults are able to breed in grains that are too dry for fast development of Sitophilus. At 340C, development is possible on grains with moisture contents as low as 9 percentage, and they can daily destroy grains equal to their body weight (see Birch, 1945; Fisher, 1950; Aitken, 1975).

Bruchidae (Seed beetles)
Most bruchids are short, stout-bodied beetles with a short forewing not reaching the tip of the abdomen. Adults are characterised by their compact hairy bodies and relatively long antennae. Larvae of most species feed inside seeds and some develop in stored dry grains or legumes. All bruchids are phytophagous with most species able to avoid feeding on seed covers that contain toxins. This family contains several important field and stored crop pests.

Cowpea weevil: Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius)
This is an important pest that mainly attacks beans of various species, and can alternatively attack other pulse crops (Lienard and Seck, 1994). This species originated in Africa but is now found all over the tropics and sub-tropics. Adults are 2-4 mm, brownish with black markings. They have a short life span of about 12 days and do not feed. Two forms of this species have been identified; the active (flying) form and the flightless form. The flying form disperses and colonises cowpea fields. Adult females lay about 100 eggs glued to the seed surface or to pods. Larvae tunnel inside the seed where the entire development takes place. In the store, the normal form continues to reproduce until the end of the storage season. The flying form appears again in response to disperses to new locations. This species causes major problems in Nigeria and Niger, where most of Africa's cowpeas are produced (Alebeek, 1996). Other species such as C. rhodesianus and C. subinnotatus may also be important in some parts of Eastern and Central Africa (Gillon et al., 1992; Giga et al., 1993).

American bean weevil: Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Bruchus obtectus Say).
This species is widely distributed in Africa, Central and South America, New Zealand, USA and Southern Europe. A. obtectus exhibits high tolerance to varied degrees of temperature, thus, it is found in cool highland areas as well as the warmer parts of the tropics. It mainly attacks beans of various types and other pulse crops. Adults are grey and oblong in shape, with the body covered by yellowish green hairs. Females are almost twice as large as males. Infestation starts in the field when females lay eggs on the mature beans in plant pods. Larvae are tiny with strong mandibles and feed inside the seeds where life cycle is completed. Adults exit the seed through

Cucujidae (Flat bark beetles)
Members of this family are small flattened beetles, mostly found under the bark of trees or in tunnels made by other beetles. This family contains one common pest of stored grains.

Red rust grain beetle: Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens)
Adults of this species are oblong flattened small beetles (1.5-2 mm long), with the head and prothorax relatively big and conspicuous. C. ferrugineus is a widespread secondary pest of stored grains, specially in the humid tropics. The genus Cryptolestes was reported to be of economic importance towards the end of the maize storage season in Togo (Pantenius, 1988). However, it might not be as serious as other pests in stores, often following an infestation by other insects. It usually attacks the germs of broken or cracked grains thus reducing germination. Other species such as C. pusillus (Schonherr) and C. pusilloides (Steel and Howe) are common in humid areas of the tropics (Banks, 1979).

Silvanidae: This family was formerly included in Cucujidae. It includes two important species:
Saw-toothed grain beetle: Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L), recognized by the toothed lateral margins of the pronotum.
Merchant grain beetle: Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel), which is found in association with O. surinamensis.

Both species are virtually cosmopolitan and they infest a wide variety of stored grains, processed foodstuff and other food products. They are mainly secondary on stored products following more destructive primary pests. However, O. surinamensis prefers cereal products while O. mercator is more frequent on oil-seed products and more temperature sensitive. They enter damaged grains and feed specially on the germ. Optimum conditions for development are between 30- 350C and 70-90 percentage relative humidity.

Natural history:
Adults are 3 mm flattened narrow winged beetles but they rarely fly. Females lay their eggs loosely within the stored products. Larvae are free living and start by feeding on the embryo and the endosperm. They require 60-90 percentage humidity for optimal development, and neither species cannot develop or breed at temperatures less than 190C. All stages die in ten minutes if exposed to 550C (Howe, 1956; Halstead, 1980).

Dermestidae (Skin beetles)
Members of this family are ovoid in shape with hairy or sometimes scaly bodies. Larvae are very hairy. When stores are infested, these setae may be seriously hazardous if inhaled by workers. This family contains a number of very destructive and economically important species. One of the most serious stored product pests that belong to this family is the khapra beetle: Trogoderma granarium Everts. Apparently the only phytophagous species in the genus Trogoderma. A native of India, the Khapra beetle is now found in most parts of the world specially hot and dry areas. Adults are oval, red brown insects with a dark thorax. Adult females may lay up to 120 eggs within the stored products. Larvae are considered primary pests as they attack undamaged grains and seeds and bore into stored pulses. They are highly mobile, and in the absence of food they enter a diapause that might last for more than two years, in which they can be highly resistant to the application of pesticides or fumigation. Adults are 3-4 mm long, dark wingless beetles that do not feed. Populations of this pest build up rapidly, especially in the hot humid tropics. This species was apparently eradicated in the United States and the former Soviet Union. It also seems to be absent from East and southern Africa (Banks, 1977; Rebolledo & Arroyo, 1995; Sudesh et al., 1996 b).

Anobiids are cylindrical pubescent beetles, 1-9 mm in length. The head is usually concealed from above by the hoodlike pronotum. Most anobiids live in dry vegetable materials or bore in wood, while others are fungus feeders. About 1000 species of Anobiidae are known, most of which are found in the tropics. The following are two widespread storage pests belonging to this family.

Cigarette beetle: Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius) is a common pest of stored cereals, cocoa beans, tobacco, ground nut, peas, beans, flours and other foodstuffs. Originally from South America, it is now found in most of the warmer parts of the world. This species is notorious for attacking a wide range of intact cereal grains, pulse seeds and food stuffs.

Natural history:
Adults can breed anywhere at optimum temperatures of around 28-320C and a relative humidity of 75 percentage. Newly hatched larvae are very active and responsible for most of the damage. Adults are small brown beetles and the only damage they cause is due to their emergence holes. This pest can be controlled if exposed to temperatures below 180C. At 550C, all stages die in two hours (see Howe, 1957; Lefkovitch & Currie, 1967).

Drug store beetle: Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus) Another widespread pest that infests several cereals, but less common than L. serricorne in the tropics.

Lepidoptera is the second most important order of insects pests of stored products. Adults are active flyers with two pairs of scaly wings. Mouthparts of the adults are modified to suck plant nectar or other fluids and are not able to chew, while those of the larvae possess well-developed mandibles. Larvae are distinguished from beetle larvae by their pseudopods (false legs) on some of the abdominal segments. Lepidoptera larvae occur frequently in a wide range of habitats and are known for their silk-spinning activities that result in the additional loss of quality of stored products. Some species attack the product in both the field and store. Several moths are pests of the ripening crop and their larvae can be found in recently harvested stored grains. They either continue their attack for a short time in the store or form an entry point for further attack by true storage pests. The following families contain the most economically important lepidoptera post-harvest pests.

Pyralidae is a large family, of which only a few species are stored product pests. Most pyralids are small and delicate moths. Members of this family exhibit a great deal of variation in appearance and habits. Larvae of all species possess glands which secrete silk with which they interlink food products as they move. This family is divided into a number of subfamilies, with the subfamily Phycitinae containing some of the most important stored grain pests. The best-known species in this subfamily are the following:

The Mediterranean flour moth: Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller).

Adults are similar to E. cautella but the body is relatively longer. A major pest of flour mills, its main habitats are flour and grout mills, corn milling plants, bakeries and any other place used for processing grains or preparing flour products. E. kuehniella occurs in most of the temperate and sub-tropical parts of the world, where average temperatures are around 200C-250C. Complete development requires about 74 days at 250C and 75 percentage relative humidity. Larvae entwine all the material on which they feed resulting in solid lumps of food particles, faeces and larval exuviae (see Jacob & Cox, 1977; Locatelli & Biglia, 1995).

Indian meal moth: Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)

This insect feeds mainly on meals and flours but can attack raisins, nuts and some pulses and whole cereals. The Indian meal moth is distributed all over the tropics and sub-tropics and in some parts of the temperate regions, specially in heated buildings. In the hot tropics, it is more abundant in cooler highland areas. Most of the damage occurs due to larval feeding on the germinal part of the grains. Damage also occurs through the contamination of foodstuff with dead larvae, frass and silk webbing.

Natural history:
Larvae feed in tubes they weave from silk secretions. Adult females stick about 200-400 eggs to the substrate or to the storage walls. Larvae develop and feed within the substrate and are sensitive to changes in temperature. The number of generations may be only two per year in Europe, but increases in the tropics to eight generations. Complete development takes about 27 days at 300C and 70 percentage relative humidity. Development ceases below 150C. All stages die at 550C in five hours (see Bell, 1975; Aitken, 1984; Locatelli & Biglia, 1995).

Gelechiidae is a large family of lepidoptera. All moths are small in size and several species are important plant pests. This family contains two serious post-harvest pests:

Angoumois grain moth: Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier)

The presence of pheromone in Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella was first demonstrated by KEYS and MILLS (1968) using extraction of a sex attractant from female and described it as benzene.  The actual pheromone chemicals of the angoumois grain moth was reported by  VICK       et al. (1974) followed  by SU and MAHANY (1974); HAMMOUD and DESCOINS, 1978; ODINOKOV et al., 1998) as (Z, E)-7,11-hexadecadien-1-ol acetate.  This single component is one of the two major components along with Z7E11-16Ald of the pheromones of citrus leafminer moth, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Phyllocnistidae) (ANDO et al., 1985).  Some of the other species utilize (Z,E)-7,11-Hexadecadienyl acetate in its chemical communication system are Uliaria rasilella (Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae), Dichomeris oceanis (Leidoptera:, Gelechiidae), Scrobipalpa sp. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae),    Pectinophora endema; Pink bollworm Pexicopia malvella; Hollyhock seed moth Pexicopia sp. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae),  Stathmopoda theoris (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae), Diarsia canescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ( database/ compound /compounds - detail- Z7E11-16A c. php).


In India, the sticky traps developed at the Central Food Technological Institute in Mysore, India, baited with female pheromone were compared with a commercially available Zoecon Corporation trap for monitoring the stored products pest, S. cerealella in rice stores at Mysore, India. The sticky trap was superior to the Zoecon trap but tend to collect dust and dry quickly (Karan-Singh and Majumder 1989). Apart from this information no other work was reported on this insect. In Western countries monitoring of Angoumois grain moth the delta trap is baited with rubber dispenser is used in godown. Based on the experience gained in India of working on various families/orders of insects of major crops, there are possibilities of improving the trap for efficient trapping was felt.  This has prompted us to think of using some locally available materials for use as trap  for trapping of males more efficiently.

This species is a serious primary pest that mainly attacks maize, wheat and sorghum, both in the field and in stores. A recent survey in southern Ethiopia revealed that this pest alone was responsible for 11.2 to 13.5 percentage weight loss in stored maize (Emana & Assefa, 1998). Infestation with S. cerealella starts in the field as females lay their eggs, singly or in groups, on grains. Larvae start feeding inside the grains, while still in the milk stage, and spend their entire life inside one grain. Thus, infestation is difficult to detect at this stage. Adults leave a conspicuous emergence hole at one end of the kernel. Infested grains are characterised by this circular window created by the larvae. Stored grains may be completely destroyed. Adults are active fliers, thus, they are able to infest neighbouring granaries, which is known as "cross-infestation". This pest is distributed throughout the warmer parts of the world (Africa, South and Latin America and southern Asia and Australia) (Grewal and Atwal, 1969; Boldt, 1974)

In a recent study, Nandagopal  et al., (2010) reported an efficient trap for this insect in storage. Based on the results as given above,  the recommendation for the use of  delta trap for trapping the males of S. cereallela  was found to be sufficient for monitoring of the occurrence of this species.  However, the purpose of recommending a plastic trap which proved its efficiency of significantly  higher mass trapping of the fresh or established population S. cereallela.  The return movements of the males which orient 70 º angle of return facilitated for expanding the area of trapping the males from delta trap to a simple plastic trap. During the course of observation /counting of trapped males it was noted that the entire area of the trappable area were filled with males.  This has suggested to go for expanding  the area further, which proved to increase the number of males trapped to an increase of 101%.


To conclude, the use of plastic tray fitted with the pheromone lure is recommended for mass trapping in the stored paddy.  Further studies on the number  of traps to be used for monitoring/ unit area, number of trap used for mass trapping/unit area, longevity of the lure (self life) under godown conditions are under way.

Potato tuberworm: Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) = (Gnorimoschema operculella (Zeller))

This species is a cosmopolitan pest of potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants. It attacks plants mainly in the field, but continues to feed on tubers in storage. Larvae mine in the leaves and stems and later bore into the tubers. Damage can be seen on leaves as silver spots due to the tunnelling larvae, or as tunnels in the plant stem.

Natural history:
Each female lays about 150-200 eggs and larvae tunnel through leaves and stem down to the tuber where pupation may take place. In the store, eggs are laid individually on the tubers near the eyes or on sprouts. P. operculella is an important pest in traditional potato stores in North Africa (Arx et al., 1987; Lagnaoui et al., 1996. See also Haines, 1977). High infestations of up to 50 percentage of tubers can take place in Yemen due to this pest (Kroschel, 1994).

Flour mite: Acarus siro
Mites are widely distributed tiny arthropods. They can live and develop on various plant in the field or indoors. Mites can be found in granaries, feed mixing plants, threshing floors, stacks of hay and straw, dead organic matter, soil or plant residues. Several species are predacious on other mites or insects. Mites are easily transmitted by virtue of their tiny size which allows them to be carried with dust, winds, insects, birds or rodents. About 30 mite species are known to be associated with stored products. Family Acaridae contains some damaging species, in which Acarus siro is probably the most important and commonly encountered mite in granaries. This mite is about 0.7 mm in length with an oval body. A. siro is a widely distributed polyphagous species that can be found on almost all products of plant or animal origin. It requires relatively high humidity (70 percentage), with humidities below 11 percentage being lethal to the mite. Temperatures below -150C for 24 hours kill all stages. At 600C, all stages die in 5 minutes.

Attacked grains lose nutrients and the ability to germinate due to feeding on the germ. Crushed bodies of Acarus cause coloration in flour that reduces the products value. Under normal conditions, this mite develops according to the following pattern: egg, larva, nymph I, nymph II, and adult. Some strains of A. siro may produce hypopus under favourable conditions. Hypopus is a diapause form that can be carried by rodents or insects to other storing places. However, this species does not seem to occur in most of the tropical lowlands, though it might sometimes infest grains in cooler upland areas (see Haines, 1991).

4OH :
5Ald :
maltol :

Germinara, 2008 

                                               E2  9Ald;

Collins, 2007 

(2S,3R)-1-Ethylpropyl 2-methyl-3-hydroxypentanoate

Agg. pheromone 

Phillips,   1989       


5Ald :

Phillips, 1993 


Agg. pheromone 
Phillips, 1985 

Agg. pheromone 
 Schmuff,  1984 

Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky


Ndungu,  1995 

Agg. pheromone 
Walgenbach, 1987 


Agg. pheromone 
Phillips, 1985 

Agg. pheromone 

Agg Pheromone
Arnaud,  2002               J. Chem. Ecol.               28:   523 


Agg Pheromone
Phillips,     1993                  J. Chem. Ecol. 19:723 

Agg Pheromone
Rangaswamy, 1991b 

(Z)-2-Nonenyl propionate


Agg Pheromone
Mondal Kamesh, 1984 



Agg Pheromone
Suzuki,  1984


Agg Pheromone
Suzuki,  1983

Tribolure ng3.2:
Agg Pheromone
Suzuki,  1979 


toluquinone (1.0):


delta1-15Hy- (15.8) :

Suzuki,  1978 

Agg Pheromone
Arnaud,  2002               J. Chem. Ecol. 28: 523

Agg Pheromone
Suzuki,  1979 

toluquinone (1.0):
delta1-15Hy- (17.6) :
Engelhardt, 1978                        24:785



M & F
Agg. Pheromone
Keville,  1975



M & F
Defense substance
Endt, 1971 



M & F
Defense substance
 Engelhardt, 1965 

Tenebrio molitor L
 (Z)-3-Dodecenyl acetate
Bryning,    2005             



M & F

4me-9OH  30:

P  F ng
Tanaka,    1986              

Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius)
(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2-methyl-2-pentenoate

(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2,4-dimethyl-2-pentenoate

P L mg
Edde,    2005              Environ. Entomol.       34:             1549 

(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2-methyl-2-pentenoate

 (S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2,4-dimethyl-2-pentenoate

Bashir,  2001                  

(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2,4-dimethyl-2-pentenoate

(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2-methyl-2-pentenoate


 (S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2-methyl-2-pentenoate


(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2-methyl-2-pentenoate

(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2,4-dimethyl-2-pentenoate
Williams HJ         1981a                   J. Chem. Ecol.          7:759

(S)-1-Methylbutyl (E)-2,4-dimethyl-2-pentenoate

Khorramshahi, 1981      

Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L)


Collins, 2007 


8-3Kt :



K  H

cucujolide IV (4.4):

cucujolide IX (1.0):

cucujolide V (2.0):

8-3Kt :

9Ald :

P  M
White,    1989                

cucujolide IV (4.4):

cucujolide V (2.0) :

cucujolide IX (1.0):


Pierce,     1987

2-Methylpropanoic acid
4Acid :
Butyric acid
2-Methylbutanoic acid
Hexanoic acid
K  H
Stubbs,      1985              

cucujolide IV (4.4):

cucujolide IX (1.0):

cucujolide V (2.0):

P  M
Pierce,     1985 

6Ald :
7Ald :
8Ald :
3Ald :
M |& |F
Mikolajczak, 1984 


O'Donnell, 1983 

Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel)
K  H
Pierce, 1991b   

Pierce,     1987 


Pierce,     1985 

 Trogoderma granarium Everts
P  F
Levinson HZ        1980 

P  F

P  F

hexadecenoate (o.2):
Methyl 14-methyl-8-hexadecenoate
E-trogodermal (0.5):
caproic acid (2.98) :
Hexanoic acid
P F   ng


P  F
Cross  et al., 1976          

Hexadecanoic acid
(Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid
(Z,Z)-9,12-Octadecadienoic acid
(Z)-9-Hexadecenoic acid
Heptadecanoic acid
Octadecanoic acid
Cohen   et al., 1971       

(Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid methyl ester
Ethyl hexadecanoate
Octadecanoic acid ethyl ester
(Z)-9-Octadecenoic acid ethyl ester
(Z,Z)-9,12-Octadecadienoic acid ethyl
P  M & F 
Agg. Pheromone
Ikan  et al., 1969  

Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius)
S-limonene (14.42):
E-beta-farnesene (11.62):
Al  Repellant
Hori,   2004b                  

Al  Repellant
Hori ,  2004a 

Marking pheromone
Imai , 1990b 




Chuman ,         1985      


Mochizuki   1984 


Levinson HZ        1981 


Chuman et al., 1979 
Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus)

Kodama,  1987b





Phelan,   1986 

Z9E12-14Ac  (3.0):
(Z,E)-9,12-Tetradecadienyl acetate
Z9E12-14OH (0.3):
P F ng

 (Z,E)-9,12-Tetradecadienyl acetate
Soldan,  1983 

Z9E12-14Ac  (7.6):
(Z,E)-9,12-Tetradecadienyl acetate
Z9E12-14OH (2.0):
P F ng
Kuwahara, 1973 

(Z,E)-9,12-Tetradecadienyl acetate
 Brady,    1971b           

 Ephestia kuehniella (=Anagasta kuehniella) (Zeller).
9Ald :

3me-4OH (1.0):
acetic acid (1.0):
Acetic acid

Z9E12-14Ac  (5.6):
(Z,E)-9,12-Tetradecadienyl acetate
Z9E12-14OH (1.2):

P F  ng

(Z,E)-9,12-Tetradecadienyl acetate
P F 
Kuwahara, 1971b 
Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)
(Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadien-1-ol: acetate:

Sower et al., 1974

Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (=Gnorimoschema operculella (Zeller))
E4Z7-13Ac (4.0):
(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate

E4Z7Z10-13Ac (6.0):
(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate

P  L
Ono et al.,           1997

E4Z7-13Ac (8.6):
(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate
E4Z7Z10-13Ac (3.9):
(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate

P F ng
Ono  et al.,          1997                     

E4Z7-13Ac (2.7):
(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate
E4Z7Z10-13Ac (1.4):
(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate

P F ng
Ono   et al., 1997           

E4Z7-13Ac (3.5):
(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate
E4Z7Z10-13Ac (3.7):
(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate
P F ng

(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate

Raman,  1982

E4Z7-13Ac (9.0):
(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate
E4Z7Z10-13Ac (1.0):
(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate

E4Z7-13Ac (4.0):
(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate
E4Z7Z10-13Ac (1.0):


(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate
(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate

(E,Z)-4,7-Tridecadienyl acetate

E4Z7Z10-13Ac :(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate

(E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-Tridecatrienyl acetate

(Z,Z)-7,11-Tridecadienyl acetate

(Z)-5-Dodecenyl acetate
Steck,  1979c 

Flour mite: Acarus siro L.
guanine (2-amino-6-hydroxypurine):

Assembly pheromone
Levinson et al,.1991

For both sex
Levinson et al,.1991


Tuma et al., 1990
(Z)-3-Methyl-2-heptenoic acid
P  F
Cork,  1991b 

2,6-Dimethyl-1,8-octanedioic acid

(E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2-octene-1,8-dioic acid
Shimomura et al., 2010

3-2Kt :
Khan, 1998  

callosobruchusic acid :
(E)-3,7-Dimethyl-2-octene-1,8-dioic acid
Tanaka, 1981                 

Callosobruchus maculatus
azelaic acid (2.5):
Nonanedioic acid
2,6-Dimethyl-1,8-octanedioic acid
P F ng
Contact pheromone
Nojima,  2007                

3-Methyleneheptanoic acid
(Z)-3-Methyl-3-heptenoic acid
(E)-3-Methyl-3-heptenoic acid
(Z)-3-Methyl-2-heptenoic acid
(E)-3-Methyl-2-heptenoic acid
(Z,E)-7,11-Hexadecadienyl acetate
Ando et al., 1985

Hexadecadienyl acetate
Vick et al., 1974

Keys et al., 1968

A-Atractant, Al-Allomone, K-Kairomone, P-Pheromone, L-Larvae, F-Female,
H-   Host, M-Male, M&F-male and Female, ng-nanogram

          List of various types of traps practiced in trapping the storage insects

Name of insect
Type of trap

Tobacco beetle, Lasioderma serricorne F.
The pheromone capsule dispenser captured the most adults and Serrico lure captured the least
et al.,1978

Rhyzopertha dominica
Window trap
The window trap proved  the most effective for monitoring this pest in wheat grains
Singh and Sinha,1998

Sweet potato weevil,
Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)
Root traps
No weevils were found upon re-examination of root traps and dissection of wild host plants carried out in September, 1996
Setokuchi, 2001

Pheromone traps
The sticky trap was superior to the Zoecon trap but tended to collect dust on the sticky surface.
Lal, 1990

Pheromone traps
It was concluded that SPW had been completely eradicated from Muroto City
Komi, 2000

Sweet potato weevil,
Cylas formicarius elegantulus
Plastic funnel traps
Plastic funnel traps caught significantly more weevils (90-97% of the total catch) and were significantly more efficient (85%  efficiency)
Jansson et al., 1989

Stored products pests
Ready-made insect traps
In situations where slight inaccuracy in readings can be tolerated, the efficiency of the sensors as insect traps could be increased by loading them with the most attractive filler, treated with an insecticide
Hodges, 1983

Cucujid and tenebrionid beetles
Plastic probe traps, corrugated cardboard traps and weighing boat traps
For each target species, pheromone, trap type, and habitat development of optimal monitoring programmes should be  independent
Javer et al., 1990

Khapra beetle
Wall-mounted trap
Traps mounted on a wall did not work unless flaps were deployed

Storage insect pests
Corrugated paper insect trap, plastic probe trap
 More insect pests were trapped with corrugated paper traps than with the other devices tested in grain storage

Adult beetles (Coleoptera)
Probe trap, the Storgard WB Probe II (WB II) and Grain Guard (GG)
Insects in shelled maize with WB II traps and in stored barley with GG traps  catches with   84% variation
Subramanyam et al.,1993

Sitophilus granarius
Pitfall beaker, insect probe and WBII probe traps
Correlation between trap catch increase and increase in grain temperature
Wakefield and Cogan,1999

Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Sitophilus granarius
Cryptolestes ferrugineus
Pitfall and probe traps
The possibility of use of nuclear magnetic resonance to detect those insects and their immature stages hidden within grains was discussed
Pinniger et al.,1986

Tribolium castaneum
Pitfall and probe trap
The behavioural responses of the beetles to the pheromone in still and moving air were similar
Obeng-Ofori and Coaker,1990

Flour beetles,
Tribolium confusum
T. castaneum
Pitfall traps
Pitfall traps were efficient
Fisher et al.,1993

Stored product beetles
Pitfall trap
Pitfall trap was efficient
Flour moth,
Ephestia kuehniella

A strain of the parasitoid Trichogramma evanescens and the predator Blattisocius tarsalis have been selected for further investigation
Hansen et al., 1998
Potato tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella
Dry and a water trap
Pheromone traps were efficient in trapping the insects
Karan–Singh et al., 1989
Water pan trap
Water pan trap was efficient in trapping the males of the potato tuber moth
Tomio and  Orita, 1984
Grain moth,
Sitotroga cerealella Olivier
Sticky traps, Zoecon trap
All the traps baited with synthetic pheromones caught more males than those baited with virgin females, with the most moths (837.33/trap) being caught with a 1:1 ratio of the components

Tray trap

increase the number of males trapped to an increase of 101%.

et  a l.,2010
Cylas formicarius,
Ips typographus,
Tomicus piniperda,
Pityogenes chalcographus, Scolytus triarmatus
Pheromone traps
The sticky trap was superior to the Zoecon trap but tended to collect dust on the sticky surface.
Lal, 190


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